In previous post we saw how to buil RESTful API using Grape. In this post we will see how to add devise auth token to users and how to use it in Grape API authentication. Lets see how this can be done assuming you already have devise setup ready. ##...

While developing a rich client side web application or mobile app, we need RESTful JSON API which interacts with the front-end javascript framework. Here you may use backbone.js, ember.js or angular.js on the front-end side of application. Here we’ll be using Ruby on Rails on the back-end which will serve...

A Web service is a method of communications between two electronic devices over the World Wide Web. It is also defined as a software system designed to support interoperable machine-to-machine interaction over a network. In simple words, “Web services are developed to use by other software applications” Web services communicate...

I was happily writing my blog at blogspot almost three plus years. From last 2-3 days, i was evaluating with octopress for its way of writing posts, customizations, themes, and plugins. As a result of evaluation, found octopress blog as very quick & easy to write hence decided to shift...

This is an example post which shows various markdown syntax that can be used while writing octopress markdown posts. ## Bold text Hello Octopress! Blockquote Don’t stop when you’re tired, stop when you’re done.@TheJeetBanerjee

There are various blogging sites like blogspot, wordpress, posterous, and many more. Each has their own pros and cons and none of the engine gives us full power of ehhance our blogging experience. Anyone who has atleast some technical knowledge can start with octopress powered blog. This gives us the...

Rails 3 has released with various notable features and said that it’s one of the best version rails community has released so far. Highlights of major features: 1. Brand new router with an emphasis on RESTful declarations 2. New Action Mailer API modeled after Action Controller 3. New Active Record...

We all know that rails models associations gets defined while class definitions are loaded and once defined can’t be changed. But still you can make use of block parameter to conditions to have dynamic query conditions inside associations. Below line explains how to define dynamic associations : ruby has_one :code_sequence,...

If your application is currently on any version of Rails 2.1.x, Then following changes needs to be done for upgrading your application to Rails 2.3.11 1. First install Rails version 2.3.11 gem install rails -v2.3.11 2. Freeze app ruby gems rake rails:freeze:gems Hopefully it should work for you but it...

Basically Enumerable mixin gives collection classes a variety of traverse, search, sort methods. Understanding ruby blocks Blocks are statements of code written in ruby. one can take them as similar to c language macro’s Different ways to define blocks ```ruby a = proc do puts “hello” end #=> hello...